Friday, February 26, 2010

Fab Friday...

So, it's hard to come up with a blog title/name/whatever. Not to complain. And it's a reference to Spoon's "Black Like Me," which is such a rad song. Just felt like making a blog, which probably comes from having a plethora of spare time. It's been a crazy week, but probably the most stress-free in months. I'm out of my Industrial Design major (by choice) and looking into PD Bio, which is exciting. But it's Friday and a few things have got me pumped.

First: Fantastic Mr. Fox. This movie is charming, funny and well made. It hit the spot in all the ways it needed to. There are some serious haters out there, but it's such a swell little film. Wes Anderson has made some brilliant movies.

Second: The month of April. Spoon comes to SLC (praise them forever) and I'm headed to Oakland (most likely) to see Thom Yorke and his gang, which includes Flea of RHCP. Strange. Plus it's warm in April, school gets out and it's frankly the best or second best month of the year. On the bad side of things, it's 33 days away. Come on, April!

Third: The weather today. Sunny, close to 50 degrees. I need it to be spring, eh?

Fourth: Speed skating. SOOOOO baller. Especially the short track relay stuff, that's some crazy crap that goes down. Too bad we're about to see the end of the olympics.

Fifth: Not having a hernia. 18 hours ago I was certain I was gonna become bionic and have surgery to fix myself, but turns out it's nothing. Good thing that America can get you in to see a doctor. Thanks, America. No hernia, and I get to ref lacrosse in a couple of weeks.

So, yeah. I probably won't blog terribly often, since I'm lazy and unmotivated to do such things, but I'll try once every few days or something. And I'll try to be clever and creative. Although now that I'm out of ID, I apparently no longer need to be clever or creative, just memorize things. Thank goodness I'm out of a major that stereotyped what every industrial designer should be. There's no need for that. Seems to me that a field full of "creative types" wouldn't be full of clones. Ironic that I quit then, maybe. Good luck to the boys and girls still in the program that are applying this August. I enjoyed spending time with you guys in the workshop at 2 AM, 5 AM, whatever, but I'm not sad about all the extra sleep I'll be getting and all the stress I won't be having. And I get to play outside tomorrow instead of sanding foam for hours.

Also: LCD Soundsystem may have bought my buddy's guitar. Super dope. We're waiting for confirmation on that. Maybe I'll just ask James Murphy about his new Firebird at Sasquatch Festival in May.


  1. Are you going to the sasquatch festival?

  2. I'm not a FMF hater, per se, it just seemed pretentious and too aware of its artistry, and seemed to lack a little respect for the British charm of the source material. I do love most of Wes Anderson's movies though.

    I didn't know you had a blog. I'm excited. Post more.
